2nd Annual Cyber Security Exchange Asia, 5-7 November 2017, Phuket, Thailand

Cyber security is no longer an IT risk. With the occurrence of mounting cyber attacks such as WannaCry, organisations in Asia have come to the startling realization that:

  • Cyber threats are very near and real with the potential to cripple everyday business. Organisations need to have a preventive rather than a reactive cyber strategy
  • Cyber attacks are no longer predominately focus on the financial services sector. Organisations across sectors with legacy systems and outdated security measures are easy targets

The age of digitalisation, whilst promising tremendous business opportunities, brings about an even higher element of cyber risk and threats

Against this dynamic landscape, CISOs have the critical role of balancing risk, compliance and business enablement and is accountable for ensuring cyber resilience in an emerging cyber threat landscape.

The 2nd Annual Cyber Security Exchange Asia is a cross-sector, invitation-only platform for Asia’s leading CISOs/ CIOs/ Heads of Information Security/ Heads of IT Security to exchange best-in-class cyber strategies offering valuable insights on formulating the next step in their cyber security strategy.