Delegates/Groups: Contact Andrew Gibbons on +44 (0) 207 827 6156, [email protected]
European Smart Grid Cyber Security 2017 offers a unique opportunity to network with senior experts in cyber security from government, utilities, TSOs, regulators, solution providers, security consultants, senior engineers and more. Join us to hear from a range of European utility companies present what their strategic programmes are doing regarding cyber security. As well as discuss how communication issues between IT and OT departments can be overcome and learn how to make your company compliant.
Benefits of Attending:
- Hear case-studies from UK, Norway, Denmark, Italy and many more
- Understand the important regulatory standards and how to make your company compliant
- Discuss how communication issues between stakeholders can be improved
- Analyse the latest smart metering programmes
- Learn about the newest technological developments in cyber security
Expert Speaker includes:
- Graham Wright, CISO & Global head of Digital Risk and Security, National Grid
- Giovanni Coppola, Program Manager, Enel SpA
- Michael John, Director of Consulting Services, European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)
- Gordon Hextall, Chair: Smart Metering Security Sub Committee and Chair: SMKI PMA, Smart Energy Code Company (SECCo)
- Henrik Christiansen, CISO, Energinet DK
- Chris Folk, Director, National Protection & Response Division, Homeland Security Center, MITRE
- José Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Senior Technology Development Manager for Information Security and Utilities, CPqD
- Harm van den Brink, IT Architect, ElaadNL & Enexis
- Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner, Toreon CVBA and many more
Who Should Attend:
Any company involved in the Smart Grid Cyber Security Industry should come to this event. This includes but is not limited to: Utilities, Grid operators, Solution Providers, Security Consultants.