Over the past year, the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) has observed a gradual evolution of the tools, techniques, and procedures employed by malicious network operators based in Iran. At CyberWarCon 2021, MSTIC analysts presented their analysis of these trends in Iranian nation state actor activity during a session titled “The Iranian evolution: Observed changes in Iranian malicious network operations”. This blog is intended to summarize the content of that research and the topics covered in their presentation and demonstrate MSTIC’s ongoing efforts to track these actors and protect customers from the related threats.
MSTIC consistently tracks threat actor activity, including the groups discussed in this blog, and works across Microsoft Security products and services to build detections into our products that improve customer protections. We are sharing this blog today so that others in the community can also be aware of the latest techniques we have observed being used by Iranian actors.
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Source: Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)