How will Brexit affect cybersecurity in the UK? What the experts are saying about leaving the EU

June 23, 2016

Britain’s European Union referendum polling day is here and it has the tech industry worried, particularly cybersecurity firms. While the voters’ decision to either remain or leave the EU is to be confirmed, the cybersecurity industry in the UK is deeply concerned and largely do not favour a Brexit, just like the tech industry in the UK as a whole.

London’s technology sector has openly spoken out against the possibility of a Brexit with an overwhelming opposition against Britain exiting the EU, according to a survey of members of Tech London Advocates. The survey, which was conducted among 3,000 senior members of the capital’s tech scene, showed that 87% opposed Brexit amid fears of being unable to attract European customers, attract talent from overseas, and gain cooperation from overseas companies.

Under the IT and tech industry umbrella comes the relatively new but pivotal cybersecurity industry. The community in the UK is relatively compact but fairly inclusive.

The industry actively recruits its staff, especially for R&D (Research and Development) from both within the UK as well as from Europe and elsewhere. Ease of movement between the UK and other EU states is key to security researchers, both for professional as well as private purposes.

IBTimes UK spoke to some cybersecurity firms operating in the UK in efforts to understand how Brexit may affect the industry and consequently the security of UK businesses.

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