- Stopping C2 communications in human-operated ransomware through network protection
November 3, 2022
Command-and-control (C2) servers are an essential part of ransomware, commodity, and nation-state attacks. They are used to control infected devices and perform malicious activities like downloading and launching payloads, controlling botnets, or commanding post-exploitation penetration frameworks to breach an organization as part of a ransomware attack. Blocking these communications can mitigate attacks, sometimes before they’re ...
- Black Basta ransomware gang linked to the FIN7 hacking group
November 3, 2022
Security researchers at Sentinel Labs have uncovered evidence that links the Black Basta ransomware gang to the financially motivated hacking group FIN7, also known as “Carbanak.” When analyzing tools used by the ransomware gang in attacks, the researchers found signs that a developer for FIN7 has also authored the EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) evasion tools ...
- Attack Surface Management 2022 Midyear Review – Part 3
November 3, 2022
With the rise of ransomware and other vulnerabilities, it has been an eventful year in cybersecurity. In part two, Trend Micro researchers discussed these issues at length today as well as their implications on a global scale for both businesses large (and small). In the last and final part of the series, Trend Micro researchers talk ...
- Gregor Samsa: Exploiting Java’s XML Signature Verification
November 2, 2022
XML Signatures are a typical example of a security protocol invented in the early 2000’s. They suffer from high complexity, a large attack surface and a wealth of configurable features that can weaken or break its security guarantees in surprising ways. Modern usage of XML signatures is mostly restricted to somewhat obscure protocols and legacy ...
- US Treasury thwarts DDoS attack from Russian Killnet group
November 2, 2022
The US Treasury Department has thwarted a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that officials attributed to Russian hacktivist group Killnet. These are the same pro-Kremlin miscreants that claimed responsibility for knocking more than a dozen US airports’ websites offline on October 10 in similar network-traffic flooding incidents. The large-scale DDoS attack didn’t disrupt air travel ...
- Server-side attacks, C&C in public cloud services
November 2, 2022
This report describes several interesting incidents observed by the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team. The goal of the report is to inform our customers about techniques used by attackers. Kaspersky researchers hope that learning about the attacks that took place in the wild helps you to stay up to date on the modern ...
- Emotet botnet starts blasting malware again after 5 month break
November 2, 2022
The Emotet malware operation is again spamming malicious emails after almost a five-month “vacation” that saw little activity from the notorious cybercrime operation. Emotet is a malware infection distributed through phishing campaigns containing malicious Excel or Word documents. When users open these documents and enable macros, the Emotet DLL will be downloaded and loaded into memory. Once ...
- Vodafone Italy discloses data breach after reseller hacked
November 2, 2022
Vodafone Italia is sending customers notices of a data breach, informing that one of its commercial partners, FourB S.p.A., who operates as a reseller of the telecommunications services in the country, has suffered a cyberattack. According to the notice, the cyberattack took place in the first week of September and resulted in the compromise of sensitive ...
- Ransomware cost US banks $1.2 billion last year
November 2, 2022
Banks in the US paid out nearly $1.2 billion in 2021 as a result of ransomware attacks, a marked rise over the year before though it may simply be due to more financial institutions being asked to report incidents. The figures come from the most recent Financial Trend Analysis report on ransomware from the US ...
- OpenSSL downgrades horror bug after week of panic, hype
November 1, 2022
OpenSSL today issued a fix for a critical-turned-high-severity vulnerability that project maintainers warned about last week. After days of speculation, infosec professionals and armchair bug hunters received more of a trick than a treat on November 1: two CVE-tagged security issues, both rated “high” severity, to patch. One flaw was earlier rated “critical,” though it has ...