Security directors to lead the way on cyber resilience

November 10, 2016

ukse16-web-banners-mar16-150x150UK Security Expo, 30 Nov – 1 Dec 2016, London Olympia

Despite UK businesses doubling spend on security budgets, companies are still in the dark as to how many cyber-attacks are hitting their business, according to PwC’s annual Global State of Information Security Survey 2017. The cost of security incidents are rising and the volume of attacks are also increasing. No longer can physical and cyber security be looked at separately since an attack on an organisation’s systems can cause physical infrastructure to fail.

Following the £1.9b cyber strategy outlined by the Chancellor Philip Hammond, UK Security Expo will demonstrate the importance of integrating cyber solutions with physical security technologies.

  • John Unsworth, CEO of the Mayor of London Digital Security Centre will talk about how we can make London the safest city for digital innovation by grasping cyber risks
  • The Security Director’s Practical Guide to Cyber Security Workshops run by Cyber Rescue will offer hands-on, practical sessions including an interactive crisis simulation role play
  • The Great Cyber Debate will discuss whether the threat to CNI has been grossly exaggerated
  • Chris Hurran OBE, Senior Associate Fellow, UCL Institute for Security & Resilience Studies will talk about mitigating insider risk and which cyber insiders should most concern the boards of CNI organisations
  • Qinetiq, Sungard AS, JTOL and other leading companies will demonstrate the latest products and technologies to protect against risk

Kevin Duffey, Managing Director, Cyber Rescue, forecasts that “News coverage of cyber attacks on business will quadruple, as every successful attack will fuel further crime, while regulators will require notification when attacks get through. CEOs will demand that Security Directors earn their pay, by leading on business continuity and risk mitigation against cyber attacks.” Peter Jones, Chief Executive, Nineteen Events added “Security Directors already face a colossal challenge in tackling a broad spectrum of threats in keeping their operations, assets and people safe and secure. UK Security Expo offers a number of initiatives including case studies, discussions, debate, an interactive workshop plus a showcase of products which will all inform a security director as he faces up to the challenge ahead.”


Notes to Editors: UK Security Expo is the UK flagship security event attracting over 8,000 global end-users of security. The high level educational programmes are open to all visitors free of charge and feature CPD verified conferences, workshops, live demonstrations and more. Tickets are available at

Media Queries: please contact Jo Mayer, [email protected], 020 8947 9177, 07717 356196.

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