United States Air Force hopes to improve cyber security with migration to Windows 10

August 22, 2016

The Air Force is slated to upgrade to Windows 10 during the next couple years to improve the Air Force’s cybersecurity posture, lower the cost of information technology and streamline the IT operating environment.

Windows 10 provides improved security features to mitigate cyber threats and a common baseline for Air Force cyber operators to manage, thereby reducing costs.

The Air Force is taking this action because the Defense Department directed the transition to a Microsoft Windows 10 secure host baseline across the DOD.

Windows 10 will become the standard operating system for Microsoft Windows clients across the Air Force Network. Other types of clients, such as iPads and other devices that use non-Windows operating systems, are not within the scope of this effort.

As a result of the DOD’s mandate, a significant portion of the Air Force client inventory will need to be replaced.

Migration will begin late 2016 as part of each base’s computer technology refresh efforts. Units are authorized to upgrade existing devices or purchase new tablets and laptops through AFWay and should refrain from purchasing desktops unless their mission dictates otherwise. In many cases, users will receive replacement mobile computers with Windows 10 preloaded, while remaining users will have their existing computers upgraded to the new operating system. Affected users will be informed on how to back up and restore their data.

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