Secusmart GmbH – Your Protective Shield against Electronic Eavesdropping

Anti-eavesdropping protection solutions from Germany which are unique throughout the world.
We are Secusmart GmbH, a BlackBerry subsidiary based in Duesseldorf, Germany. In the space of a few years we have established ourselves as a world-leading expert in protecting mobile communications against electronic eavesdropping, and our high-security solutions are used by more than 20* governments. We apply three guiding principles to all our products:

  • User-friendliness
  • Maximum security
  • Absolute reliability

Working for governments and companies all over the world.
We have been working with BlackBerry since 2012. Since being introduced in 2013, the solution SecuSUITE for BlackBerry® 10 has been used by more than 20* governments worldwide, as well as the German government. This solution is sold on the international market under the name SecuSUITE® for Government.

SecuSUITE® for Enterprise – this cloud-hosted service provides maximum security for mobile phone calls and text messages all over the world, irrespective of the chosen provider. It is available for the iOS, Android OS and BlackBerry 10 OS operating systems, and it is easy and intuitive to use as an app. Together, BlackBerry and Secusmart are the specialists and market leaders in secure mobile communications.

Working together for secure communications.
“Our portfolio of solutions demonstrates our shared objective: all over the world, in partnership with our parent company BlackBerry, we offer comprehensive protection against electronic eavesdropping on mobile phone conversations and data,” says Dr Christoph Erdmann, CEO of Secusmart.

The Secusmart solution for companies.
Security against eavesdropping in German companies: SecuSUITE® for Enterprise. SecuSUITE for Enterprise is a software-based, hosted solution for protecting calls and text messages on mobile devices with a range of operating systems, including iOS®, Android™ and BlackBerry® 10.

Benefit from the security features of an on-premise, behind-the-firewall ystem, while enjoying the convenience of a cloud solution. With no servers or hardware to install, there are no upfront investments or unpredictable operating costs to consider.

Hard on hackers – easy on your IT team.
SecuSUITE for Enterprise comes with a user-friendly, cloud-based admin portal where you can enroll or deactivate users and adjust settings. There’s nothing else to add, manage, maintain or worry about.

Because it’s a cloud-based solution you have no maintenance to perform, which saves you time and money – and you’re always running the most current version.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Available on iOS, Android OS and BlackBerry 10 OS smartphones
  • Security against eavesdropping all over the world
  • Also supports Wi-Fi

Smartphones: Smart for employees.   A risk for companies?
Smartphones are popular targets for electronic eavesdropping. People use these practical devices to discuss highly sensitive subjects and to exchange important information. It is possible to intercept this information and to eavesdrop on, record and save phone conversations. For companies of all sizes, from global corporations to small law firms, confidential communications are worth protecting.

The Secusmart solution for governments worldwide.
Secusmart – the global expert in secure mobile communications.

In partnership with Samsung, we have developed the SecuTABLET, an encrypted tablet with its own secure app store (SecuSTORE). This completes our communications package.

We use an extensive range of solutions to make governments and companies secure all over the world. SecuSUITE® for Government is the solution used by authorities and organisations with security responsibilities in Germany, as well as by more than twenty other governments worldwide. SecuSUITE® is not a standard product. It can be specifically tailored to our clients’ individual needs, enabling every government and every company to retain complete sovereignty over its communications.

SecuSUITE® for the German government.
We established the Federal Security Network for the German government and its ministries. It gives federal authorities, defence agencies, ministries and other official institutions the certainty that they can make highly secure telephone calls at any time.

The German security network consists of more than twelve thousand devices which are protected by Secusmart.*

* As of February 2017

Secusmart provides security.
Every day, we want to be one step ahead. This is the only way we can protect our customers against the growing threats of data abuse and telephone eavesdropping. In partnership with BlackBerry, we provide greater security and sovereignty for governments and companies.

This is why we set great store by three basic principles.
– Firstly, it is imperative for us to protect the communications of our existing and future customers, a task which requires maximum-security solutions.
– Secondly, our anti-eavesdropping protection solutions must be easy to use and cannot restrict daily communications in any way.
And thirdly, Secusmart solutions are synonymous with absolute reliability.

We work on a cross-platform basis with manufacturers, mobile phone companies, software companies and service providers. Our objective is a secure future, and our mission is to provide protection against electronic eavesdropping on mobile communications. We have made it our responsibility to make telecommunications highly secure and yet easy to use. Above all, this benefits our customers all over the world.

Would you like to find out more about our high-security solutions? Then please just give us a call to arrange a personal consultation.

Secusmart GmbH
Heinrichstrasse 155
40239 Duesseldorf
Tel. +49 (0) 2 11-44 73 9-0
Fax +49 (0) 2 11-44 73 96-249
[email protected]