
  • White House launches plan to protect US critical infrastructure against cyber attacks

    April 15, 2021

    The White House is reportedly moving swiftly forward with a plan to harden the security of the US power grid against hacking attacks. According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration has a plan to dramatically improve how power utilities defend themselves against attacks from countries considered to be adversaries in cyberspace – such as Russia, Iran, North ...

  • New survey report released: The state of industrial cybersecurity (Part 3)

    April 12, 2021

    This is the final installation of our three-part blog series, explaining the state of industrial cybersecurity based on the result of survey Trend Micro conducted in the US, Germany and Japan in November 2021. Part 1: Converging IT and OT with people, process and technology Part 2: Most factories have already implemented technical measures but are still ...

  • Iran calls blackout at Natanz atomic site ‘nuclear terrorism’

    April 11, 2021

    Iran condemned a blackout at its underground Natanz nuclear facility early on Sunday as an act of “nuclear terrorism” and said Tehran reserves the right to respond, but did not specify who was responsible and how Iran may react. “The act against the Natanz nuclear enrichment centre shows the defeat of the opponents of the country’s ...

  • USB threats to ICS systems have nearly doubled

    April 1, 2021

    The latest Honeywell USB Threat Report 2020 indicates that the number of threats specifically targeting Operational Technology systems has nearly doubled from 16% to 28%, while the number of threats capable of disrupting those systems rose from 26% to 59% over the same period. Let’s face it. Critical infrastructure operators in manufacturing, aerospace, energy, shipping, chemical, ...

  • The security dilemma of smart factories [Part 1] Specificity of the programming languages used to move industrial robots

    March 26, 2021

    Industrial robots are the core of the automation of manufacturing processes in smart factories, and are the most important components as they support the manufacture of all kinds of products such as automobiles, aircraft, processed foods, and pharmaceuticals. In addition, as equipment that realizes unmanned manufacturing in the post-COVID-19 world where minimal or no contact ...

  • Energy Giant Shell Is Latest Victim of Accellion Attacks

    March 23, 2021

    Energy giant Royal Dutch Shell is the latest victim of a series of attacks on users of the Accellion legacy File Transfer Appliance (FTA) product, which already has affected numerous companies and been attributed to the FIN11 and the Clop ransomware gang. “Shell has been impacted by a data-security incident involving Accellion’s File Transfer Appliance,” the ...

  • Critical Security Hole Can Knock Smart Meters Offline

    March 12, 2021

    Critical security vulnerabilities in Schneider Electric smart meters could allow an attacker a path to remote code execution (RCE), or to reboot the meter causing a denial-of-service (DoS) condition on the device. Schneider Electric’s PowerLogic ION/PM smart meter product line, like other smart meters, is used by consumers in their homes, but also by utility companies ...

  • Npower withdraws mobile app after hackers steal personal details

    February 27, 2021

    Npower has permanently withdrawn its mobile app after hackers used it to access its customers’ personal details, including the sort codes and the last four digits of their bank accounts. The hack, which cybersecurity experts said left the firm’s customers “wide open to fraud”, is understood to have taken place around the start of February. The company ...

  • Shining a Light on SolarCity: Practical Exploitation of the X2e IoT Device

    February 17, 2021

    In 2019, Mandiant’s Red Team discovered a series of vulnerabilities present within Digi International’s ConnectPort X2e device, which allows for remote code execution as a privileged user. Specifically, Mandiant’s research focused on SolarCity’s (now owned by Tesla) rebranded ConnectPort X2e device, which is used in residential solar installations. Mandiant performs this type of work both ...

  • Eletrobras, Copel energy companies hit by ransomware attacks

    February 5, 2021

    Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras) and Companhia Paranaense de Energia (Copel), two major electric utilities companies in Brazil have announced that they suffered ransomware attacks over the past week. State-controlled, both are key players in the country. Copel being the largest in the state of Paraná while Eletrobras is the largest power utility company in Latin America ...

  • Ransomware gangs now have industrial targets in their sights

    February 2, 2021

    Ransomware attacks are a potential danger for any organisation, with ransomware variants including Conti, Egregor, Maze and many others still successfully compromising victims across all industries – but there are some industries that criminal gangs are targeting more than others. The ransomware attacks are successful because many organisations can’t afford for their network to be out ...

  • Improving Your Security Posture with the Pipeline Cybersecurity Initiative

    January 19, 2021

    A few years ago, I worked alongside some oil commodity traders. Environmental concerns aside, I never realized how many parts were required to get the oil out of the ground, not to mention everything else that finally resulted in the production of refined products that surround our lives. As a cybersecurity professional, I was more ...

  • Digitally Signed Bandook Trojan Reemerges in Global Spy Campaign

    November 30, 2020

    A wave of targeted cyberattack campaigns bent on espionage is cresting around the globe, using a strain of a 13-year old backdoor trojan named Bandook. According to Check Point Research, Bandook was last spotted being used in 2015 and 2017/2018, in the “Operation Manul” and “Dark Caracal” campaigns, respectively. The malware then all but disappeared from ...

  • Adventures in MQTT Part II: Identifying MQTT Brokers in the Wild

    November 18, 2020

    The use of publicly accessible MQTT brokers is prevalent across numerous verticals and technology fields. I was able to identify systems related to energy production, hospitality, finance, healthcare, pharmaceutical manufacturing, building management, surveillance, workplace safety, vehicle fleet management, shipping, construction, natural resource management, agriculture, smart homes and far more. Hackers have been sounding alarms about this ...

  • Enel Group hit by ransomware again, Netwalker demands $14 million

    October 27, 2020

    Multinational energy company Enel Group has been hit by a ransomware attack for the second time this year. This time by Netwalker, who is asking a $14 million ransom for the decryption key and to not release several terabytes of stolen data. Enel is one of the largest players in the European energy sector, with more ...

  • Netwalker ransomware hits Pakistan’s largest private power utility

    September 8, 2020

    K-Electric, the sole electricity provider for Karachi, Pakistan, has suffered a Netwalker ransomware attack that led to the disruption of billing and online services. K-Electric is Pakistan’s largest power supplier, serving 2.5 million customers and employing over 10 thousand people. Starting yesterday, K-Electric customers have been unable to access the online services for their account. To resolve this ...

  • Cyberthreats for ICS in Energy in Europe. Q1 2020

    September 4, 2020

    Computers in European countries which are used to configure, maintain and control equipment in the energy industry on which Kaspersky products are installed. This includes Windows computers on which various software packages for the energy industry are installed, including but not limited to human-machine interface (HMI), OPC gateway, engineering, control and data acquisition software. Overall, in ...

  • Using Botnets to Manipulate Energy Markets for Big Profits

    August 6, 2020

    Researchers are warning that a new class of botnets could be marshaled and used to manipulate energy markets via zombie armies of power-hungry connected devices such as air conditioners, heaters, dryers and digital thermostats. A coordinated attack could cause an energy stock index to predictably go up or down – creating an opportunity for a ...

  • Foreseeing cyber vulnerabilities of nuclear facilities in South Asia

    July 29, 2020

    In this era of rapidly evolving technology, nuclear facilities are exposed to dynamic and evolving spectrum of cyber vulnerabilities. Cyber-attacks on nuclear facilities are a matter of concern and it’s not for the first time that a cyber-attack has been carried out. Such as attack on nuclear program of Iran to serve the purpose of ...

  • Ripple20 vulnerabilities will haunt the IoT landscape for years to come

    June 16, 2020

    Cyber-security experts have revealed today 19 vulnerabilities in a small library designed in the 90s that has been widely used and integrated into countless of enterprise and consumer-grade products over the last 20+ years. The number if impacted products is estimated at “hundreds of millions” and includes products such as smart home devices, power grid equipment, ...