1,900 Signal users exposed: Twilio attacker ‘explicitly’ looked for certain numbers

The security breach at Twilio earlier this month affected at least one high-value customer, Signal, and led to the exposure of the phone number and SMS registration codes for 1,900 users of the encrypted messaging service, it confirmed.

However, Signal – considered one of the better secured of all the encrypted messaging apps – claims the attacker would not have been able to access the message history, contact lists, profile information, or other personal data associated with these user accounts. The non-profit organization said in a security note on its site that it has identified and is notifying the 1,900 users directly, and prompting them to re-register Signal on their devices.

The company had already come under fire for its practice of SMS verification in the past, something which has rebounded in the wake of the disclosure.

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Source: The Register