We are honoured to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection organised by Óbuda University Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering in Budapest in cooperation with Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences, Serbia, University of Žilina Faculty of Security Engineering Department of Technical Sciences and Informatics in Žilina, Slovakia, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, Faculty of National Security of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland, National University of Kharkiv, Ukraine, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania. The 2nd International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection (ICCECIP 2020) will be held in Budapest, Hungary on November 16-17, 2020.
About Conference
The ICCECIP 2020 – 2nd International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection will be held this year as part of the Hungarian Science Festival in online form. The 2020 Pandemic brought new security challenges in critical infrastructure protection and security science.
The highlight new experience, research and solution results reached in Pandemic are a to everyone. The new motto of this year’s conference is “Pandemia challenge in critical infrastructure protection”. A key goal is to show the unity of our region in the Pandemic situation and giving space for all researcher around the World, experienced and young researchers, PhD students to share their latest results.
The common historical and cultural past of the region, as well as the common development path of the last centuries and the cooperation during the Pandemic, also connect our countries and lay the foundations for future common goals.
The ICCECIP 2020 also serves to foster communication among researchers and engineers working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest.
The meeting will provide an opportunity to highlight recent developments and to identify emerging and future areas of growth in this exciting field. Also, the conference program includes online oral presentations and poster session from scientists working in similar areas to establish a platform for collaboratíve research projects in this field.
Committee of ICCECIP 2020 continues to make an effort to hold ICCECIP 2020 conference successfully by working with the best editor and reviewer teams.
For registration and more information please visit http://bgk.uni-obuda.hu/iccecip/ or download ICCECIP 2020 Flyer: ICCECIP_2020_Flyer