New Virobot malware works as ransomware, keylogger, and botnet

A newly discovered malware strain is a multi-tasking threat that besides working as ransomware and encrypting users’ files, it can also log and steal their keystrokes, and add infected computers to a spam-sending botnet. This new threat is named Virobot Read More …

British spies ‘hacked into Belgian telecoms firm on ministers’ orders’

British spies are likely to have hacked into Belgium’s biggest telecommunications operator for at least a two-year period on the instruction of UK ministers, a confidential report submitted by Belgian prosecutors is said to have concluded. The finding would support Read More …

Cybercrime: Ransomware remains a ‘key’ malware threat says Europol

Targeted attacks replace spam campaigns, but Europol’s annual cybercrime report also warns that cryptojacking malware “may overtake ransomware as a future threat”. Ransomware remains the top malware threat to organisations, causing millions of dollars of damage and remaining a potent Read More …

Zero-Day Bug Allows Hackers to Access CCTV Surveillance Cameras

Firmware used in up to 800,000 CCTV cameras open to attack thanks to buffer overflow zero-day bug. Between 180,000 and 800,000 IP-based closed-circuit television cameras are vulnerable to a zero-day vulnerability that allows hackers to access surveillance cameras, spy on Read More …