Telco sector’s new cyber regulation

The Federal Government has got new legislation through the Senate that will compel telcos to notify authorities when they make changes to their networks after a range of amendments were made that increase dialogue and decrease government over-reach.

The Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms (TSSR) Bill passed through the Senate earlier this week and has been generally accepted by the telco sector which objected to earlier versions of the legislation.

The TSSR Bill had been seen by the industry as too costly to comply with and over the top in requiring telcos to seek permission to making the slightest change in their network operations. Government oversight of telecom operations was seen by the industry as too wide and vague and consultation conduits as too light on.

TSSR was reviewed earlier this year by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, which took submissions from the government and security side including ASIO, Attorney Generals, the Australian Centre for Cyber Security and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and the industry side including Optus, Foxtel, the Communications Alliance, the AIIA, the Australian Industry Group, the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association and Macquarie Telecom Group.

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