According to local media, hackers are now attacking a number of sites in Ukraine. Several banks and the website of the Ministry of Defense are under DDoS attack.
“Ukrainska Pravda” citing sources in the Ukrainian government understands that a powerful DDoS attack affected Privatbank and Oschadbank banks, as well as the Ministry of Defense and the website of the Armed Forces.
❗️Сайт МОУ зазнав, ймовірно, DDoS-атаки: фіксувалася надмірна кількість звернень на секунду.
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Комунікація через сторінки в FB та Twitter, сайти АрміяInform та Армія FM— Defence of Ukraine (@DefenceU) February 15, 2022
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Source: Ukrainska Pravda/Ministry of Defence of Ukraine – Twitter