23 IS conducts virtual PAI training

Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 23rd Intelligence Squadron organized and executed a first-ever, unit-wide Publicly Available Information (PAI) training session June 6, 2020. The goal of the training was to educate 23 IS Airmen with PAI best practices and highlight the capabilities that PAI brings to intelligence operations. The training was part of the squadron’s first-ever virtual unit training assembly.

Unit members Master Sgt. Leslie Lawrence and 1st Lt. Gwendolyn Leon-Guerrero created and hosted the training, which consisted of officers, enlisted, and all of the unit’s Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs).  The customized training adapted portions of the Air Combat Command PAI Executive and Fundamentals courses, while also including PAI tool demonstrations and vignettes.

Topics covered during the one hour and a 30 minute session included: Defining PAI and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), legal authorities, and various PAI tools that are available to intelligence analysts.

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Source: U.S. Air Force Reserve Command