Do cybercriminals play cyber games during quarantine?

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, the role of the Internet in our lives has undergone changes, including irreversible ones. Some of these changes are definitely for the better, some are not very good, but almost all of them in some way affect digital security issues.

We decided to take a closer look at the changes around us through the prism of information security, starting with the video game industry.

Key findings:

  • The daily number of blocked attempts to visit malicious gaming-related websites, or browse to such sites from gaming-related websites (or forums), increased by 54% in Aprilcompared to January of this year. In May, we saw a downward trend in this indicator: -18% compared to April.
  • The number of blocked attempts to visit phishing sites that exploit online gaming topics has increased. In particular, the number of notifications from fake Steam gaming platform sites increased by 40% from February to April.
  • Attackers use Minecraft, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt most often.
  • The users most targeted by such attacks are from Vietnam (7.9%), Algeria (6.6%), Korea (6.2%), Hungary (6.2%) and Romania (6%)

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Source: Kaspersky